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New Employee Announcements: Simple

These sample employee announcements allow you to welcome your new employee graciously and publicly. The employee announcements tell coworkers what the new employee will do and his or her job title. The employee announcements let other employees know who will mentor the new employee.

The employee announcement may tell coworkers something about the new employee, but it can be as simple as announcing that the new employee is starting and the date.

A couple of facts about the new employee will give the employee's new coworkers the opening and the opportunity to start conversations with the new employee about common interests.

The best new employee announcements also share the employee's work location and how other employees can reach him or her. The very best share a picture so employees can recognize the new employee when they see him or her.

Ask the Employee to Share Interesting Facts About Their Life

A positive way to introduce a new employee is to share a paragraph the new employee has written that expresses three-four interesting tidbits about the new employee that will also draw in coworkers.

Does the employee love cats? Share it. Does the employee run in 10k+ races? Share it. Does the employee volunteer in the local food kitchen? Does the employee feed birds, collect old baseball cards, or refinish furniture? Again, share this information.

You are providing ways for your current employees to connect with the new employee. They are more likely to reach out to a new employee with whom they share an interest. 

The employee announcement is also an opportunity for new coworkers to think about how their jobs will interact with that of the new employee.

You can send these employee announcements by email to all employees. Make sure that you post the employee announcement in any department where employees have no email access.

Following is a simple, sample new employee announcement that is emailed to the whole company when the employee starts his new job.

1. Simple Sample Employee Announcement

Dear Staff:

Ann Thompson is joining Mediquick Products to fill our open position in customer service. Her first day is Tuesday, April 8.

Ann has worked for a number of years in customer service and we are delighted to welcome her to the Mediquick team. If you see Ann around the building, make sure you welcome her to the company. She will participate in employee onboarding activities for her first couple of weeks on the job.

Ann's new employee mentor is Mark Veja, so if you have questions or need to meet with Ann, you can talk with Mark before she starts.

Ann will work closely with the other customer service specialists. She will work in the customer service department wing. Take a moment to stop by and welcome Ann to the company.

She has a lot to share with her new coworkers as she loves cats, square dances weekly, and volunteers in a local homeless shelter.

She is on the Board for our local Women's Resource Center.

Thanks for joining me in welcoming Ann to the team.


Name of Department Manager / Boss

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