An Interview with STRØM Nordic Spa

We recently had the chance to talk with Philippe Boivin, general manager of the Old Quebec branch of STRØM Nordic Spa, about the health and safety measures put in place in his establishment and the impact of the pandemic on the company.
Here’s what he had to tell us!
How have the new health and safety measures affected you?
First of all, since we’re a nordic spa where the cleanliness of the premises and our facilities is a daily priority, disinfecting more often hasn’t required any extra effort.
We took our customers and staff’s safety seriously from the beginning. Masks were mandatory in interior spaces, we had an obligatory symptom checklist to be filled out by everyone, we put up plexiglass walls aroung our counters, we used eyed protection when necessary, and we even had a welcoming station outside to control the flow of people coming into our establishment. In short, we stuck to recommendations, and even went further than the minimum.
The merit truly goes to our staff, which worked very hard to stick to these measures on a daily basis and managed to avoid, still to this day, an outbreak or any contamination within our facilities.
Which strategies have you put forward in order to face autumn and the arrival of winter?
Being creative by exploiting our facilities differently!
For example, we now offer take-out meals, we offer our customers purchasing a massage or beauty treatment the chance to enjoy our exterior facilities for free, we will be launching a new line of Strøm beauty products soon, and we’ve also begun offering manicures and lumino-meditation at our Galeries de la Capitale location.
To plan for winter and our reopening, we’re working hard to create more relaxation areas that are protected from the elements and inclement weather, and we’re transforming our existing facilities to add more seats. The goal is to make our site safe and compliant with social distancing, even during winter!
Watch out for our winter offers and our new menu which will be announced very soon!
What is the biggest challenge you’re anticipating in the upcoming weeks?
Right now, our biggest challenge is to stay up to date with recommendations and new measures coming from the public health department. They come very quickly, and we have to be able to put them in place at record speed.
Following the rules and regulations is a top priority for us, and it’s always a challenge to get the information and to understand it. But we have many people whose first mission is to get that information and to maintain communication with the government to make sure we’re compliant.
We’re impatiently awaiting the green light to reopen our thermal experience facilities!
With stress weighing on everyone’s shoulders these days, it’s the perfect moment to treat yourself to a little spa day! Discover the STRØM Nordic Spa’s promotions and offers here and take a few seconds to relax! We all need it!
In the meantime, we’re keeping a vigilant eye on health and safety measures, and we hope winter goes well for every STRØM Nordic Spa location!
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