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#1 Rules in sales

Boy was I wrong! A little more than one year ago I joined Signature Canada as Business Development and Training Director. 20 years of experience in sales, marketing and management combined with a university business major gave me the impression that I had seen it all.

True, back then I worked for an organization where sales and customer service weren’t priorities. Although, my team and I still reached our sales goals year after year although it was getting harder and harder to do so. Sounds familiar? Now, working for an international company that teaches customer service and sales, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to update my skills and knowledge. Furthermore, shouldn’t I practice what I was going to teach?

I got the opportunity to compare different training programs, talk to sales coaches and customers in different industries. One thing I learned from my research and from working for an international company that teaches customer service and sales is that there are some sales rules that all sales agents should live by. Please let me share with you these ten #1 Rules of Sales (yes, all are #1 rules because they are all equally important!)

Never assume anything: Nothing is worse than making assumptions that turn out not to be true. Instead, try to turn assumptions into facts as quickly as possible. This rule will help you build a good relationship with your client.

Listening is the #1 quality: We have two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. Did you know that sales reps that talk all the time are perceived as trying to hide something?

The ball is always in your court: In order to do this, you need to take control of the conversation and help the client move on to the next step. For example, why should you wait for your client to call you back? Before ending your next conversation with a prospect, schedule a precise time & date when you will call him back and make sure both of you are onboard with the subject of this call. The goal is to always end a sales call or meeting with an advancement.

Constantly verify throughout the conversation: Verifying if your customer agrees with what you are suggesting or with how you handled his objection lets you know if you are going in the right direction.

Quote the rate, wait 2 seconds and close: Sounds simple, right? It isn’t. We tend to give a price and then justify it.

Stop trying to sell, help customers buy: The way customers make their purchases has evolved because of internet and social media. Make is easy and effortless for your customers to buy from you.

No, is not an answer!: It may not be the right time, the price could be a factor, your competitor is offering  something different… Your goal is to know why so you can adjust your approach and keep notes in your prospect’s file. That way, you will be better prepared to help him say yes next time!

All relies on the customer’s needs: Many clients don’t know what they, or their company, will gain by using your product or service. That is why you need to teach them! This will help them discover needs they weren’t aware of and it will help you differentiate yourself and your company.

If price is not an issue, don’t make it an issue: Never ask about budget or price first. Ask questions like: Where have you held this event in the past? What vendor have you used for this in the past?

Tailor the message: Nowadays, with consensus-based buying, reps have to talk to more than just the decision maker. This is why their sales message has to be tailored to all stakeholders in order to achieve maximum resonance.
It’s not a coincidence that these rules are part of the Signature Canada sales training program. I’m confident that if you implement them into your sales approach, you will definitely get results.

Julie Charbonneau, Signature Canada
Business Development and Training Director
Phone: 438-870-3087

Julie Charbonneau

Signature Canada est le leader en formation service client légendaire pour un impact significatif sur vos ventes. Depuis 1986, notre méthodologie distinctive a eu un impact majeur en Retour sur Investissement pour nos fidèles clients.