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Choose Your Attitude

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference” Winston Churchill.

Each and every day we choose what attitude we bring with us to the workplace. When we are working with others, we need to consciously make the right choice each and every day. Customers, Clients, Guests – whatever your particular business calls them, have a ton of choices out there. When a product that is offered is of similar value, price, and stock – the biggest difference is the attitude of the employee that they are purchasing said product from.

68% of loyal guests when polled decided to pick up their business and move to a different provider based solely on an “Attitude of Indifference” by one person.  We are all customers in our own lives, and how often have you personally made the choice to never return, or never do business with a company again due to a negative interaction with just one employee?

When it comes to customer care, attitude will always win over aptitude. When hiring, new employees be sure to note a sunny disposition and a willingness to go the extra mile over someone with greater technical skills. It is much easier to increase the technical skills of an employee than modify undesirable behavior. Employees who excel at customer care have a natural desire to serve and express genuine empathy when conversing with upset customers.

As a professional service representative, we work hard to always want to put our best foot forward. When communicating with customers, your attitude shines brightly. With a warm and friendly smile, good eye contact and a willingness to be of service, we can look and act the part being legendary in each interaction we have with our customers.

A positive attitude also affects the work environment. The energy of a positive attitude produces the spirit of cooperation and helps the team reach customer satisfaction goals when all team members strive to be at their best performance. A positive attitude enhances communication between customer service representatives and the customers being served.

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. When someone contacts your company for the first time – whether via telephone, Internet, or in person – remember just how important that first impression can be. Making that stranger feel wanted and appreciated can turn him or her into a lifetime advocate for your service or product offerings, whether he buys or not.

People will remember being treated well. They recognize and appreciate courtesy and kindness. They want to be acknowledged, listened to, treated quickly and fairly, with a great big smile and positive attitude.  They appreciate feeling special, and like a human being – not just the next person or call in line. If there is a problem – they expect empathy and a quick, easy solution with an apology.

Having a positive attitude also helps us cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into our lives, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and make you happier, brighter and more successful.

With a positive attitude, you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing.

A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your environment and the people around you.  If your Positive Service attitude is strong enough, it becomes contagious. It's as if you radiate light around you.

But how do we get and keep a Positive Attitude?

•    Smile, maintain good posture and eat healthy foods.
•    Exercise – exercise creates endorphins which make us feel good.
•    Do things that make you happy – take a walk, listen to music, read a book, take a bath. Each day do at least two things you enjoy just for the sheer pleasure of it.
•    Cultivate relationships – you need more than family and a significant other in your life. Take time out to spend with friends and if you don’t have any try new hobbies, activities and groups to meet some.
•    Do something to make someone else happy – without the expectation of anything in return – Volunteer, shovel someone’s sidewalk, do a kind deed, tell a child a story, listen to a story told by an elderly person, walk your dog. Do something to make someone else’s day a bit easier or happier.
•    Surround yourself with Positive People
•    Write in a journal
•    Be inspired
•    Be Confident – believe in yourself and your own abilities

Attitude does not emerge from what happens to you, but instead from how you decide to interpret what happens to you. Each and every day – we must consciously choose the positive side.

Alethea Porter
Regional Training Account Manager
Phone: 403-461-6590

Alethea Porter

Signature Canada est le leader en formation service client légendaire pour un impact significatif sur vos ventes. Depuis 1986, notre méthodologie distinctive a eu un impact majeur en Retour sur Investissement pour nos fidèles clients. Nous offrons aux entreprises canadiennes des solutions d’affaires et de formation personnalisées, durables et mesurables qui contribuent à optimiser les revenus par le développement des compétences vouées à créer des expériences de vente et de service mémorables.