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Happy Employees Generate Happier Guests

Happiness is good for business, and oh so very important to the service industry. Customers do not want to give their hard-earned money to miserable employees who obviously do not like their jobs. Customers want to feel special – and it takes a happy well-rounded employee to make them feel that way. Someone who is content, motivated and engaged in the workplace. How do we find, and keep this type of employee, we have to treat them well, actually better than well – we have to be legendary employers.

Look at your own company’s turnover – employees who are treated right tend to stay at a job for longer, making a larger impact on the operation, and creating loyalty with your customers. When a business is not run properly – staff seem to come and go thru a revolving door which is hard on Management, other employees and of course the customers. Customer’s like familiarity, being recognized and greeted by name is an important part of giving Legendary Customer Service.
One of the most important things is to make sure that the employee is trained properly. It is not nice to send someone into the fire without protective clothing. Make sure that your employees have everything they need to excel. If they have all of the tools they require to accomplish their goals, it will go a long way in keeping them motivated and engaged. As an Employer, we should be making sure that all Management have had proper training and understand how to motivate and keep employees. Has anyone ever enjoyed being micromanaged?

People work best – and are a happiest when they are empowered to solve problems and express their individuality. Pay attention to Supervisors and the relationship they have with the team as this can greatly impact heavily on performance and happiness. Sometimes people are not meant to be Supervisors and Management – it is better to realize that and find someone else, than just be content that there is a warm body in the role. Continue to offer more training so that the team is always growing and learning more things. Stagnant team members are unhappy team members. Offer training that is not only helpful in the workplace, but in life as well. Training all team members on Positive Thinking can be beneficial to them both at work and at home. Positive thinking reduces stress and creates a clearer happier outlook.

Celebrate the wins. Tell someone when they did a great job, don’t just focus on what was done incorrectly. Show your team the value in their work. Everyone wants to feel that their work has a higher purpose, so point it out to them every so often. A great Manager is really just a coach, someone there to oversee the business, but without hands in the day to day operations. Allow the team the opportunity to flourish by allowing them the ability to make decisions and have input on the operations. Celebrate the things that are important to the team, Birthday’s, Work Anniversary or even an engagement. Everyone loves cake – and if your team is too spread out, a hand-written card is much more meaningful than an email.

Listen to your team members. Your employees are on the front line daily – they are your direct contact with the customer. To find out what motivates your employee, ask them. Have conversations about what they want to see happen with the company and their goals. Do they need anything to make their jobs easier, are they overworked and on their way to burn-out. Encourage employees to take their days off and utilize their vacation time, there is nothing more refreshing than a few days off! While money isn’t everything, it certainly is an important factor for many individuals. For team members to be happy and productive they mustn’t be paid less than they are worth. Being underpaid is often the largest contributor to feeling unhappy in the workplace.

Be available – offer feedback and look for feedback from the team. The more feedback you get, the better team you are going to have overall.
To develop managers into vital coaches, click here to learn more about our Coaching for Performance training program.
ey left me feeling like they genuinely cared about helping.

Alethea Porter
Regional Training Account Manager
Phone: 403-461-6590

We offer Canadian companies, personalized, sustainable and measurable business and training solutions which contribute to optimize income by developing sales and service skills dedicated to create memorable experiences.

Alethea Porter

Signature Canada est le leader en formation service client légendaire pour un impact significatif sur vos ventes. Depuis 1986, notre méthodologie distinctive a eu un impact majeur en Retour sur Investissement pour nos fidèles clients. Nous offrons aux entreprises canadiennes des solutions d’affaires et de formation personnalisées, durables et mesurables qui contribuent à optimiser les revenus par le développement des compétences vouées à créer des expériences de vente et de service mémorables.