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Customer service and sales training can be quite lucrative!

Here’s how to make sure it sticks with your employees and boots your company’s revenues:

As you know, information is forgotten very fast. According to research, as much as 42% of what we’ve learned is forgotten after only 20 minutes, 66% can be lost after one day and an amazing 75% within a week! This is not really the fault of learners, it occurs because we are human. You probably know how to ride a bike and swing a golf club, right? This is training that sticks with you for a lifetime. Why can't business training be like this?

Many training companies offer fun, educational training courses. However very few of them result in what most clients really want – lasting change in employee performance. Teaching associates new skills is one thing. Getting them to consistently use those skills is much more difficult. And to be successful, you must view training as an ongoing process, not an event. That’s why each of Signature’s training programs includes the three key components of a successful, ongoing training process: training, reinforcement and measurement.

Because we believe great service is mission critical, we've designed and refined a sales and service methodology that works. It's how we help clients create lifelong customers and boost their revenue streams. Signature has been helping companies since 1986, covering 90 countries around the world. We spend thousands of hours each year motivating and equipping employees like yours to dramatically improve sales and service skills - improvements that have a real impact on the bottom line. We think that the success of any skill-based training program is directly dependent on the quality of support offered to trained employees after the initial event. Employees must be continuously measured, evaluated and coached to help them integrate new skills into their replicable behaviors. Furthermore, Signature’s fun and interactive training sessions improve employee performance beginning the moment your employees leave the training room! Every event we conduct involves a lively mixture of short, two-way discussions, breakouts, question and answer sessions, and role-play.

We also help employees appreciate the need for change and teach them to begin working as a more integral part of a focused, high-energy team. Our goal is to help you create a truly successful sales and service culture.

Customer service training typically requires a large investment in time, money, and resources. There’s too much on the line not to do this right. Setting clear goals, getting employees and their managers to buy-in, and providing structured follow-up should be an integral part of any training initiative if you want it to pay out! Signature understands and wants to be part of your success. Here are some of the results experienced by our partners:

  • The Grand America Hotels and Resorts had a 17% increase in conversion for transient calls.
  • Gaylord Opryland Hotel showed a direct and consistent correlation between Signature mystery shopping scores and monthly sales. In a four-month period, average revenue-per-agent, per month increased by 57%.
  • Not only did the Rio All Suites Hotel and Casino increase reservations while receiving 44,000 less inquiry calls in the first quarter of the year, it also was able to achieve 100 percent occupancy with a consistent rise in the Average Daily Rate (ADR).

The above are just examples of some of the results experienced by our partners. They also experience less evident improvements that positively impact financial performance. Those include significant increases in other revenues (restaurants, spa services, activity and special packages…), decreases in employee turnover, and improved customer service skills that increase guest satisfaction scores and guest loyalty. Sure, it may cost to train employees, but it costs more not too!

Julie Charbonneau

Signature Canada est le leader en formation service client légendaire pour un impact significatif sur vos ventes. Depuis 1986, notre méthodologie distinctive a eu un impact majeur en Retour sur Investissement pour nos fidèles clients.